All Testimonials

I would like to thank Adjusters International and their associates for all your help and consideration concerning the fire we experienced... Your professionalism and timely manner in which you settled our claim was unforgettable. The ease of negotiations in the settlement and handling of our losses was unexpected and greatly appreciated.

Mark Jorgensen
General Manager
Yahnundasis Golf Club, New Hartford, NY

To my benefit, [your public adjuster] was very successful in negotiating with the insurance company. In a nutshell, I did nothing but provide my insurance policy and two weeks later, sign the papers... The loss report I received was extremely detailed, the estimator didn't miss a thing. There is no way I would have gotten those results dealing with the insurance company on my own... It was comforting to know someone was truly working on my behalf.

Marc Lebiedzinski
Windsor Property Group, LLC, Syracuse, NY

When the original loss occurred, we had no idea its magnitude and are grateful to you and your staff for the quick response... the lines of communication were open and active throughout the process. It was a pleasure working with you again and we hope to do so again in the future should the occasion arise.

William C. Morris II
Homeowner, Old Forge, NY

[Your public adjuster] was available to us round-the-clock in those initial days [after the flood] to answer any and all questions from both district personnel and members of the Board of Education...[Your] expertise, tenacity, thoroughness and diligence resulted in a job well done. Thank you again for your firm's efforts.

Suzanne E. McLeod, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Business and Elementary Instruction
Union Endicott Central School District, Endicott, NY

Our Marina was devastated by a tornado that swept through the area...It was abundantly clear from the outset that we would require the services of a public adjuster given the slow initial reaction form our insurance company...and the inherent complexity of the claim…[Your firm] hit the ground running, assembled a team of experts to thoroughly assess and document the damage, reviewed our coverages and directly engage our insurance carrier...More importantly, we were able to devote our full time and attention to the difficult task of rebuilding the Marina in time for the opening [of our next] season.

Gary Titherington
Managing Partner
Treadwell Bay Marina & Resort, Plattsburgh, NY

On behalf of my parents, who retained your services to protect their interests as the insured landlord in a recent commercial establishment major fire loss, please accept my family's most sincere appreciation for the professional level of service provided by AI/BLC... Considering all the time that passed and challenges that were encountered between the date of the fire and the reopening of the premise, it is no small miracle that the property was fully reconstructed to a state greater than before the fire... Your firm helped us to protect and restore my parents' financial security.

Michael Such
Homeowner, Watervliet, NY

You followed up with me on a regular basis and kept me posted every step of the way. Not once did I have to call you and ask what was going on with my case. You sincerely cared about me and my recovery and you demonstrated that throughout the process. Thank you.

John Sidou
Goodman Glass and Mirror, Inc., Rochester, NY

We cannot over-emphasize the criticality of the rapid actions by [your firm] in getting immediate response from our insurance carrier so that our food, clothing, and shelter needs were met [after a fire]. this transitioned smoothly into the negotiation with our insurance carrier to secure a long-term temporary housing situation...[You] were wonderfully helpful in assisting us in piecing together the inventory in the house... We would most certainly and strongly recommend your firm to anyone involved in an insured household loss situation.

William and Betty Horne
Homeowners, Charlotte, NC
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