All Testimonials

With your help, we were able to obtain a fair and equitable settlement which far exceeded what we could have done on our own. The expertise of your staff and the way they assisted us in preparing and negotiating the claim was invaluable.

Norman W. Clapp, Jr.
V.P. Finance
Conquest Carpet Mills, Inc., Dalton, GA

In eight years of experience dealing with insurance matters on a daily basis, I have never met someone with a more thorough understanding of the intricacies and nuances of claims processing than [your public adjuster]...He was true to every word he offered in all aspects of professional performance including deadlines and follow up.

Jason H. Herman, HP
Chief Operating Officer
Herman Chiropractic & Rehab Centers, Waynesboro, PA

Our goal following both catastrophic storms was simply to restore services to our customers. Our goal was impeded by our carrier during a time of desperation after Irene. Your team broke through the bureaucracy and recovered more funds than we could have imagined possible following [Superstorm] Sandy. Thank you for helping us to deliver on our pledge to our customers following the most destructive storm to hit our state since 1903.

John Folk
Director of Finance
Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority, Jersey City, NJ

While Exopack insured locations did not suffer any physical damage, many of their suppliers... sustained damage to their property due to a covered peril. The resulting limited supply of polyethylene resin caused a financial loss due to loss of production, loss of sales and lower margins. Given the complexity of this contingent business interruption, I felt it was appropriate to seek outside assistance. Your team brought the expertise and credibility needed to get this claim resolved.

Kara deBorde
Corporate Risk Manager
Exopack, Spartanburg, SC

...we suffered a large rain event which affected over 50 of our schools...Within three weeks, AI had prepared the estimates...AI's professionalism led to a good working relationship with our insurance company's adjuster. There was never a time when I could not reach either you or a member of your staff to have my questions or concerns addressed. I believe that we picked an excellent company, AI, to provide adjusting services for the major catastrophe that befell our school district this year.

Risk Manager
Houston Independent School District, Houston, TX

We had a fire that destroyed one of our classrooms and did extensive smoke damage throughout our 76-year-old campus... Instead of having to negotiate all aspects of structural engineering, roof damage, renovation and replacement costs, cleaning issues, storage and delivery complications, we hired AI and continued education students while they did all the "foot" work.

Brownfield Independent School District, Brownfield, TX

This was a major loss for our company. I would recommend you to anyone. Without your advice and help I do not believe we would have been able to recoup our losses as well as we did or in as timely of a manner. I am very pleased with how you handled every aspect of our claim.

Snowhite Laundry and Cleaners, Inc., Midland, TX

Without the assistance of Mr. deLuise, Chi Psi Fraternity at the University of Colorado would not exist today. He has been recognized by our local and National Fraternity many times for his assistance in this matter [catastrophic fire loss], and he has helped other national and local fraternities with their complex insurance claims.

Samuel C. Bessey
Executive Director
Chi Psi Fraternity, Boulder, CO
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