Adjusters International Testimonials
Our experience tends to speak for itself, but it doesn’t have to. Our customers can tell you firsthand how we’ve helped them recover sooner and achieve the best settlement possible.
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Months after the storm passed, the County was still faced with tremendous burdens related to the insurance coverage issues and FEMA and MEMA eligibility issues. Jackson County hired Adjusters International to provide professional services for disaster assistance, remediation, restoration and recovery efforts. ...Their expertise with governmental regulations, the complex FEMA process and insurance adjustments resulted in our successful claim for over $2 million in additional FEMA Public Assistance funding specifically; in our successful negotiations with our insurance carrier; and in numerous other increases in the values FEMA and MEMA initially designated for County projects. Jackson County will always be mindful of the help we received from Adjusters International when we needed it most.
I also want to thank Adjusters International (AI) for the outstanding service that was provided to CORSA and Putnam County after the August 2007 flood. ...The assistance provided by the AI team saved a lot of valuable county staff time in expediting the request for assistance, and their expertise significantly increased the amount of recovery that was received from FEMA. I would recommend the services provided by AI to any entity who is attempting to expedite receiving the maximum public assistance that is available from FEMA after a disaster.
As soon as we engaged your company, you were able to cut through the bureaucracy and reach the key decision makers. You kept us informed of each twist and turn of your investigation. Within months of your engagement, we had our check in hand. We felt comforted and confident that our situation was given the prompt attention that was needed. I would recommend your services to any in this situation.
Not only were you thorough and knowledgeable... but you were kind, patient, and understanding. I don´t think we could have completed it without your assistance. ...I am impressed and amazed at your tenacity and your understanding.
Had I accepted my insurance company's ridiculous settlement offer, I would have been left with a patched-up home with mismatched cabinets, a chronic mildew odor, and thousands of dollars of concealed damage that would have eventually needed repair at my own expense. With your diligent work, my home is again in excellent condition. You and your construction experts identified numerous areas of damage that the [insurance company] adjuster overlooked. You ensured that I received all of the benefits that I was entitled to under my insurance policy, including items that I never even thought of myself.
Your attention to all the little details of our insurance policy and your team´s creativity allowed us to collect damages that we never expected to recover. You provided thorough, professional advice and we were able to negotiate a fair and equitable settlement. We could not have done it without your help!
Our payment of fees to your firm for its expertise was money well spent. The return on investment was well worth it. ... After going through the extended insurance claim process, we now know that no one should handle their own claim without the benefit of your expertise. We highly recommend your firm and its services without any hesitation.
Hiring [you] to represent us was one of the smartest decisions we made following the loss of our home. ...They made sure our claim was filed on time, the cost estimates were accurate, and that we received the maximum insurance proceeds we were entitled to based upon our policy coverage.... During the days, weeks and months that followed our fire, my wife and I were able to focus on getting our life back in order, replacing our personal items, going back to work, and finding temporary housing for our family while the house was being restored and rebuilt. Because of [you], we had time to focus on the really important things in life, and [you] handled each and every detail of the insurance claim and related issues.