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You’ll recall that the office building was the unfortunate recipient of substantial hail damage. I worked to negotiate a reasonable settlement with our carrier to no avail. Negotiations were further exacerbated when our carrier brought in a third-party roofing specialist to negotiate on their behalf. Once you initiated discussions and negotiations on our behalf, I was amazed at the speed with which we were able to negotiate a reasonable settlement. Clearly, you and your firm are considered knowledgeable, honest and diligent by an adversarial insurance industry and their adjusters. I firmly believe that your presence and negotiating skills, coupled with your combined knowledge of the insurance and commercial-investment industries, led to a settlement that otherwise would not have materialized. Thanks again.

Steven R. Price, CCIM
Paragon-Price Commercial, Inc. Colorado Springs, CO

We want to thank the staff at Adjusters International, and especially Scott DeLuise and Gayle Minden for their persistent and professional pursuit of a rightful settlement of our fire damage claim from the Black Forest Fire of June 2013. Throughout the process, Scott kept us informed of what we could realistically expect from our insurance company and how to present our claim to obtain what we were entitled to. He and Gayle worked tirelessly to present our claim in the form that the insurance company would accept. We received much more in monetary reimbursement than we could have hoped for if we had gone without consultation from Adjusters.

Linda & Terry Sapp

Suffice to say, that you ‘took the bull by the horns’ and turned my insurance company around. There is no question in my mind that your expertise and tenacious approach to my claim provided a very favorable settlement. The benefits of your service far outweighed your cost.

Sergio Mendes

In the months that followed, it became clear that you are indeed knowledgeable about insurance processes. In addition, you have a keen sense of strategy, and highly effective people skills. You patiently shared your strengths with us and for that we are deeply grateful. We’ve often commented to friends, “When we have our taxes done, we hire a professional”. Now we are in a situation that we have never before experienced, so we are hiring a professional to guide us in our claim… Beyond your expertise, you gave us your friendship. You were always there for us, let us in a window of your own family life and “held our hands” when that was that was most needed.

Fred & Ceil Sharman

You and your staff were extremely sympathetic and very professional in the way our claim was handled. We know there is no way that we could have received anywhere near as much compensation from the insurance company as what you were able to get for us. You got us more than we ever expected. One of the best things you did for us was taking over and doing all the negotiations. As you know, we met the adjuster from the insurance company the day after the fire and never spoke to him again as you handled everything.

Joe & Evelyn Schorr

You were there for me when I needed you…emotionally and professionally. You took the time to explain those things that needed explaining and you had the expertise to get the job done…quickly, efficiently and graciously. Your expertise resulted in a 100% increase in my settlement. The peace of mind you gave me as I observed your professionalism and competence in preparing the necessary information needed to resolve my claim had a calming effect and allowed me to go about my business without concern.

Jacqueline Lerman/Jackie Collins

…Having never been through a major property claim, I was unprepared to stand up to the insurance company and their consultants. Gordon Scott initially promised a team approach with a well coordinated strategy and what I got was no less than hall of fame caliber…Your team educated me on the available coverage’s my policy provided. You were able to obtain maximum rental value while my home was untenable, correctly valued my personal belonging’s including my extensive wine collection, and ensured the mandated code upgrades were included in the final settlement. In the end I received over $3,500,000 when I was originally offered less than $500,000…Dealing with an insurance company takes a true professional who has the necessary experience and expertise. Greenspan filled that role and was truly an advocate on my behalf.

Michael Tuite

Adjusters International/Matrix Business Consulting holds great standing among property insurance policyholders and the industry as a whole. Those who have been affected by loss and damage have always been able to rely on your groundbreaking standard of recovery assistance. Since its founding, your organization has been able to maintain its roots, while growing to become a powerhouse.

Crisanta Duran
Speaker of the House of Representatives
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