All Testimonials

As a result of the earthquake that struck the Washington, DC area, our Church sustained significant damage. Our insurer denied our claim, even though our policy provided coverage in the event of an earthquake. We found [your firm] to be especially helpful in educating us about the issues and helping us navigate the complexities of the claims process.

Rev. Mark Tidd
Church Administrative Officer
The National Presbyterian Church

Your knowledge of the business, diligence, guidance and professionalism were absolutely essential in our ability to restore the property from the devastation of the Northridge earthquake...Based on the fact that your group identified losses totaling four times what [our insurance company] had initially measured, we think you more than earned your fee.

Scott Piccone
Vice President, Asset Management
CIGNA Investment Management

We want to thank you for your outstanding and professional handling of the hail damage claim at our Hilton Head Apartments. As you know, we were handling the claim ourselves and encountering an abnormal amount of foot dragging by the insurance company’s adjuster...Because of your skill and persistence, however, we finally achieved a very satisfactory settlement...funds adequate to pay for the re-roofing of all twenty-four buildings in the Hilton Head complex.

Eugene Zale
Zale Properties, Inc.

In a small school district without means to have a staff member knowledgeable enough to determine all the damage sustained in the hail storm, you came to our rescue. Thanks to Adjusters International, our school district was made aware of some of the hard to recognize damage that had occurred in the storm…[your firm] possibly kept our district from having to seek other funding sources to provide any repair that may have arisen in the future due to this storm. I consider you a lifesaver for our district.

Mike Allison
Whitewright Independent School District

Our Marina was devastated by a tornado that swept through the area...It was abundantly clear from the outset that we would require the services of a public adjuster given the slow initial reaction form our insurance company...and the inherent complexity of the claim [Your firm] hit the ground running, assembled a team of experts to thoroughly assess and document the damage, reviewed our coverages and directly engage our insurance carrier...More importantly, we were able to devote our full time and attention to the difficult task of rebuilding the Marina in time for the opening [of our next] season.

Gary Titherington
Managing Partner
Treadwell Bay Marina & Resort

We engaged [your firm] to represent our interests after a devastating tornado severely damaged our private school campus…[you] were particularly sensitive to the complexities of the case and they did a remarkable job of assessing the situation, establishing true damages and negotiating a settlement with the insurance company. They took what to us was an incomprehensible mess and brought it to a successful conclusion. [Your public adjusters] truly exceeded expectations in the work they did for our organization.

Michael A. Serafino
Chairman of the Board
One Ames Hill Corp.

Our insurance claim for water damage was denied at first...After more than two years of the insurance company’s tactics of changing adjusters, losing our claim files, refusing to communicate, and avoiding re-inspections, your team prevailed without requiring any attorneys or other outside expenses. This was an extraordinary effort by your team acting as our advocate. Thank you so much for your unwavering pursuit of our money on this claim, we could not have done this without you!

Marc Lippitt
Unique Properties, Inc.

I had the misfortune of discovering a frozen water line/water flooding situation at our office and production facility. Over the course of the last thirty years, I have used your firm to handle various claims concerning my businesses and personal residence. The thorough, professional assistance provided by [your firm] has made a positive difference in what normally can be a huge struggle. I would highly recommend your firm at any time to anyone that may require your services.

Jeffrey N. Haggas
UltraCoat Finishers
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