All Testimonials

We realized early on that we were ill equipped to devote knowledgeable staff to attend the numerous meetings, scope negotiations, unit cost negotiations, addressing building code issues and many other details that needed to be addressed in order to achieve a satisfactory settlement. We are glad we allowed professionals like you to handle these matters. Thank you for your hard work and decisiveness.

Susana L. Valdovinos
Assistant County Counselor
Shawnee County, Topeka, KS

In your role as consultant to the National Park Service, your expertise was invaluable in allowing us to work through each step of the long and detailed process and to feel confident that we have protected the public interest as we arrived at a final insurance settlement of $7.5 million which we feel is fair and just. I was very impressed by the expertise you brought to bear on the claim and soon came to realize that we, with your help, would be actively involved in the adjustment process. You provided information and perspective that allowed us to review case law, weigh options, and shift approaches to aspects of the claim in order to reach a more beneficial yet fair settlement. I have also come to respect your ability to participate and communicate fully on a technical and professional level and yet be able to translate, in clear and concise yet understandable terms, the technicalities of the profession to those of us not immersed in the intricacies.

Martin L. Nielson
Chief, Business & Revenue Management
United States Department Of The Interior, National Park Service

Based upon the recommendation by the hotel's legal counsel, Adjusters International was retained as "insurance adjusters" representing the hotel's interest. Adjusters International immediately took control of the situation, first, by meeting with the hotel consultant group and coordinating their repair plans and establishing a protocol for dealing with the insurer. Second, establishing guidelines for the insurer, their consultants and adjusters ...The primary benefit was that the hotel consultant team and general contractors were allowed to focus on the earthquake repairs instead of dealing with the insurance adjusters. Adjusters International performed their duties in a highly professional manner exhibiting extraordinary knowledge in insurance claims processing, representing and fighting for the best interests of the policyholder...

Clyde Takayama
Director of Engineering
Mauna Kea Resort, Kohala Coast, HI

You maximized our recovery and minimized our "recovery time." What could have been a tedious, time consuming process for the Board and staff of The Washington Ballet was handled effectively and efficiently by your staff.

Elvi Moore
General Director
The Washington Ballet, Washington, DC

At first, I had intended to handle the loss by myself, using our employees. What a mistake that would have been! Luckily, it soon became evident that we had neither the expertise nor the time to effectively handle the loss while continuing to run a business. ...Your pledge when you approached me was that you would personally "sift through the rubble" to evaluate the damage from the explosion. This you did, in a manner of speaking, throughout the entire process. Your tirelessness was admirable. Your services invaluable.

Harvey Rosen
Shadowdale Elevators, Inc.

We certainly could never have gotten as far as you did on both the property and the BIEE claims. There is just too much that we didn't know regarding our rights under the insurance coverage. Your knowledge, persistence, and contacts were what helped us receive a settlement that was appropriate. I truly appreciated your follow through and keeping me current on the issues. Both claims were tricky, and it was [your] understanding of the real nature of events, and your method of presentation to the carrier that prevailed.

Susan Aumiller
MBA Polymers, Inc.

The expertise that your firm exhibited during our initial discussions ensured our company that you would be able to achieve a more favorable settlement than we ever could and the results proved that. There was a minimum interruption to our organization while your staff gathered that appropriate information to process the losses which enabled us to concentrate on operating our business. Your firm clearly showed a level of knowledge and skill that proved to us that the choice we made in securing your services was the correct one.

Douglas L. Pereira
Corporate Controller
ClothesTime, Anaheim, CA

Not until we engaged [Adjusters International] did we begin to feel that our claim would be properly considered. The process of demonstrating our losses to the carrier proved to be a torturous effort, and [your team] demonstrated a high degree of expertise, resourcefulness and tenacity. During this effort, they became trusted partners. Their intensity never wavered.... They were great resources to have representing us, and I have absolutely no doubt that we would not have accomplished the reasonable result that we did without their dogged pursuit of a fair resolution.

Robert Habig
Chief Financial Officer
Avistar Communications Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA
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