Adjusters International Testimonials
Our experience tends to speak for itself, but it doesn’t have to. Our customers can tell you firsthand how we’ve helped them recover sooner and achieve the best settlement possible.
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Your expertise, high level of communication, and genuine drive to foster positive results, extended not only to City Freeholds, but to Insurance representatives, and to my office as well. In short, Adjusters International's performance over the past year and a half has been exemplary. I not only value our business association, but also the respected personal relationship which has been established.
You put us in the best light with the insurance companies and were able to collect our losses AND allowed us to hang on to the damaged stock so it did not get into the market place and possibly damage our good names and reputations.
Your company relieved me of having to spend my time learning about claims and dealing with the insurance company. I needed to spend my time on rebuilding my business. You also got all the insurance dollars available and I am certain we would not have been able to do so on our own.
It became clear that I was out of my league. The experience taught me "a wise man knows when another man knows better". We collected for things that I could not have thought up in my wildest dreams. All of them perfectly appropriate under the terms of my insurance policy, but not things the insurance company adjuster or my broker would have suggested. I consider myself a savvy businessman and was certain that all those around me.. My accountant, lawyers, broker, etc... had the skills to handle the matter. Fortunately for me, it did not take me long to realize otherwise. The best decision I made was to hire a public adjuster. If there is one point that this letter should serve, it is to implore those reading it to put aside their preconceived notions of insurance companies as being their friends and to sit down with a qualified public adjuster and listen... then decide.
Adjusters International worked tirelessly with our business to put together the necessary information to get the best possible results from the insurance company that would be the best outcome for our situation. While other businesses faced with similar circumstances were being turned away by their insurance providers due to the nature of the record snowfalls our region faced, Adjusters International fought on our behalf to secure a settlement for the full amount of our policy.
Due to the size of this fire, we elected, for the first time, to hire a public adjuster to manage our claim...From the beginning, they took complete control of the adjustment process. They quickly digested our complete commercial policy and uncovered areas of coverage we would not otherwise have identified. They managed our claim in a very professional and concise manner. Their requests for information were well thought-out and precise. Their established relationships with the insurance adjusters proved very helpful in facilitating the fair and swift adjustment of our claim. Paul and Sandy did an excellent job in managing our adjustment process. Due to their expertise and hard work, our company received a significantly higher settlement than we would have been able to recover on our own.
At the advice of our accounting firm we contacted Mr. Lucurell for help. Through his knowledge and experience he was able to persuade Zurich into further actions on the claim. He also was able to have partial settlement payments on the claim made allowing us to continue limited operations. As a result of Mr. Lucurell's efforts, we reached a settlement without having to go to court. We are still in business and have the opportunity now to regain our position in the market place and continue our growth...
We took the time to do our due diligence and it seemed that the name Adjusters International kept coming up. Although one would like to think that their insurance company would do everything to help, practical business sense suggests that once one has a fire, they move from the asset side of the ledger to the liability side. I felt that our interests would be best served with an advocate on our side. Enter bulldog Drew. You were relentless in your pursuit and prosecution of our claim. It is clear that your knowledge of insurance and your practical experience lend themselves to securing the best settlements for your clients. The team that supported you was exceptional. You were always there with the answers when we needed them. You were our bulldog. In the end, the settlement reached was beyond what we expected.