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Businesses that suffer damage due to a disaster can take an enormous hit to their customer clientele and their bottom line

Policyholders have certain contractual responsibilities in the event a natural disaster damages their insured property

After a major disaster the President can issue an official Major Disaster Declaration for the affected area. This declaration provides FEMA Public…

Builder's risk insurance provides valuable protection, but it is a specialized coverage that can be unfamiliar to even experienced insurance…

Business income insurance is a coverage that is critical to have in place before disaster strikes. Business income insurance, which covers loss of

Good news! Your company has been growing quickly. So quickly, in fact, that your assets have grown larger than your insurance coverage and you did…

The recent increase in the occurrence of major catastrophes has caused property owners and insurance professionals to refocus on

With business interruption and supply chain losses accounting "for around 50-70 percent of all insured property losses, as much as $26 billion

Losing a home to a fire or a storm can be a traumatic experience for any homeowner. If you have suffered

Adjusters International's Vice President and CFO Steve Surace, CPA, CFF, MBA recently spoke on the importance of volunteering within your community…

Given the rise in both number and magnitude of recent disasters, it has become increasingly important for businesses to establish a business-specific…

Karl Denison, C.P.P.A., Executive Vice President and Principal of Goodman-Gable-Gould/Adjusters International (GGG/AI), has been elected as President…