Adjusters International News & Events
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Since animals are often considered to be ‘part of the family,’ there should be a plan in place to protect your pet in the chance a catastrophe should…

Disaster planning when assessed all at once can be an overwhelming and costly process. We have crafted a four part series on creating your own

Following a natural or man-made disaster, there are many ways to help your community and it's survivors - even from afar. You can donate goods/money…

Communication during a natural disaster can be difficult. Here are the top 10 communication methods

Many residents of Texas and Oklahoma were caught off-guard this week when deadly floods ravaged homes and businesses across both states. Our…

Many accomplishments, major milestones and cases have been worked on and completed in the past three decades. Our Public Adjusters and Disaster…

Business Continuity refers to a strategic business plan implemented in the event of a disaster. In other words, if a disaster were to take place today

In continuation of the article that appeared in January "Ring in the New Year with a 12-Step Disaster Plan" we have the next three steps in our…

The tragic bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 was another instance in which, following a demonstration of…

At Adjusters International, we have seen a significant increase in the number of women who are interested in entering the fields of public adjusting…

As public adjusters, we have seen many disasters take place in homes or businesses that could have been prevented. It is in the policyholder's best…

Many policyholders are unaware of the property damage insurance claims process leading to many common mistakes such as being disorganized, not hiring…