Adjusters International News & Events
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For over seven years, employees at Adjusters International (AI) headquartered in Utica, NY have donated gifts to the Central New York Toys for Tots…

Prepare for the next winter storm by following these eight preparedness checklist items.

Valuables such as an engagement ring, coin collection, or the family’s silverware passed down through generations carries a sentimental value in…

We sat with Tony D’Amico, SPPA and Senior Vice President at Goodman-Gable-Gould/Adjusters International in Richmond, Virginia to discuss how…

Eight key steps to filing a FEMA claim for policyholders. When a large-scale natural disaster occurs such as a hurricane or wildfire, local and state…

In August of 2016, devastating and ‘historic’ flooding occurred in several parts of Louisiana, especially, the City of Central in East Baton Rouge…

Adjusters International's employees came together on Monday, October 3rd for World Stomp Out Bullying Day by wearing blue - the color of bullying…

What is a podcast? For those who are not familiar with the world of podcasting, a podcast is a recorded audio broadcast that users can listen to…

If you are unprepared, disorganized, and not ready for when disaster strikes, you will be of little help to others

There are many community organizations available in your local area to which you can donate your time, money, or goods

In a disaster setting it is vital that your family knows how to reach you and what to do to ensure their own safety. Disasters, natural or man-made…

Preparedness is our greatest defense against disasters. Planning in advance and being organized can mean the difference between irreversible loss to…