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Subscriber Reviews

Thank you for the back issues of Adjusting Today. Each edition is a treasure and I keep them all. Every P&C agent would… Read More about John W. (Jack) Glenn, CIC, CSRM, AAI, AIC, AU, AINS, INS, CPSI, CRIS, MLIS
I am General Counsel for Arizona Development Group and Larsen Baker LLC. Very informative publication!
Ferrum Wallace
Very informative! As a trainee, Adjusting Today has increased my knowledge base.
Evan Schwartz
Thank you very much for providing this valuable information.
Scott Knabb
Appropriate for the rookie or veteran.
Kirk W. Carpenter
Great! I’ve been looking for something like this for over seven years.
Daniel L. Volsteadt
A colleague shared a recent newsletter with me pertaining to coinsurance. What a great article! I had to subscribe to your… Read More about Michele Carter
Michele Carter
This is a great resource!
Mike Kane
Great information – very helpful.
Bill Bussey, CCIM
I just saw my first issue and loved it. I want to read all of them.
Buddy Butler
A thorough examination of the subject.

Frank O'Connor
This article was perfect for educating a new decision maker for one of our commercial property management clients.
Stephen D. Bender
Excellent explanation of flood coverage, good outline, understandable.
Deborah K. Neurer
Very helpful in a clear and well-reasoned presentation.
Jack D. Eskridge
Great articles – keep ‘em coming!
Chris Graham
Superb! Details, examples, guidance – what more can you ask for!
Michael C. Avalone
Eye opening!
Gregg Matchton
Very well-written publication!
C. Baldwin
These issues are a great help to us as builders when we submit an estimate to insurance companies.
Irma Johnson
Excellent information. Very informative for the laymen.
John Shea
Great resource!
Issac W. Harper
Extremely well written and very easy to follow.

J. Allen Wallis, III
Well presented, usable information.
Leonard W. Stone, CLU, CPCU
Very informative article on coinsurance. Policyholders simply do not understand and many don’t accept the concept of… Read More about Gary Kunce
Gary Kunce
It is my opinion that all I have seen should be required reading and a brief test that should serve as a Continuing Ed… Read More about Kirk W. Carpenter
Kirk W. Carpenter
I am in receipt of the past issues of Adjusting Today that I requested last week. Thank you for such a fast response. In… Read More about Pete McGough
Pete McGough
Exceptionally informative.

Irving Pozmantier
You provide an excellent publication.
Charles Jenkins
Very helpful information regarding collapse and coverage.
Ernest J. Breaux
Great issue on equipment breakdown coverage.
Richard C. Kent
A good, detailed article about coverage we take for granted!
Brandon Hipwell
It's excellent!
David R. Doig
Wow! Excellent! Fantastic! Tony knows his stuff!
Ken McVickers
Super — great info for my classes.
William H. Rabel
Your articles are well written and very informative. Excellent!!
Daniel Goldstein
Very valuable info.
Tim Rooney
Very well written & informative.
Stan Hunter
Absolutely excellent – is making us review all policy language.
Thomas W. Davis
I received my first ever issue this morning on blanket insurance. It was terrific.
David M. Ademino
Wonderful explanation of a difficult subject – coinsurance!
Debra Richardson, CPCU, CIC, CRM
Just read #3040 – great info!! Gives me info to provide to my clients.
Greg Hofmann
Great – very informative.
Andy Westerberg
Great work!!! Timely and topical.
John V. Finnegan
Excellent and very timely article!
Richard E. Marken
Well written in easy to understand terms.
Rolfe Anderson
Great newsletter – always to the point.
Kelly M. Shea
First time I’ve seen your publication. Great information. Thank you.
Terilynn Willis
Really well done!
Art Judson
Great information & resource to stay on the cutting edge!
Margaret Gilmore, CIC
Makes my job explaining easier.
Sol Gordon
Very interesting and comprehensive issue
Cleve Traughber, CPCU
Very informative.
Tom Ellithorpe
Very interesting & helpful.
Christopher H. Assenheimer
Interesting & educational – love all the details & facts.
Candace Holder
I saw these in another agent’s office set up in library form – what a great way to learn coverages.
Corey Lewis
Always great material! Thanks!
Don Reese
Good content on flooding.
Steve Miska
This is a great way to learn. I will set up a library for my office.
Corey Lewis
Outstanding & educational info as usual
Meade Collinsworth
Excellent information. I have a P&C license in addition to LAH and this is very useful.
Sam Miller, DBA, MBA, CLU, ChFC
I found this article to be very informative and look forward to future ones.
Curt D. Wiederspan